Teaching & Learning
Our grades four through eight teachers utilize a developmental designs approach to addressing our student needs throughout the day. Please check out the above posted title/link in order to learn more.
Many of our staff members have been engaging in learning about taking more of a conscious discipline approach as our response to behaviors. Conscious Discipline is based upon a foundation of trauma-informed, social-emotional learning. Please check out the title/link above for more information.
Competency Based Education:
Please view the following link to learn more about competency based teaching, learning, and grading: https://www.sau23.org/offices/academics/curriculum/competency-based-education
Our fifth graders participate in a program that is titled "Too Good for Drugs" and comes from the Law Enforcement Against Drugs and Violence (LEAD) program. Corporal Mike DiDomenico of the Haverhill Police Department instructs the course. He comes to school three days each week for ten consecutive weeks. Each homeroom group meets with him once a week while he is here, for about an hour. Please click on the the linked title above for more information about this program; please also see the below posted informational letter.